Energy in Motion

In the house are opportunities for therapy and treatments like TuiNa massage, med.Qi-Gong (Trad.Chin.Med.) The Bowen Technique, Jin Shin Jyutsu or Open Heart Meditation. They are very beneficial at the end of a beautiful day.


is a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and is arguably the archetype of all movement therapies, but also the martial arts. It means as much as “energy practice.” By certain movements, the breathing technique and autosuggestion imagination, the energy flow in the body is optimized. Thus symptoms are alleviated, or harmony and inner balance is restored.

yoga 1
Jin Shin Jyutsu

is the Art of releasing tensions which are the causes for various symptoms in the body. Our bodies contain several energy pathways that feed life into all of our cells. When one or more of these paths become blocked, this damming effect may lead to discomfort or even pain. This blockage or stagnation will not only disrupt the local area but will continue and eventually disharmonize the complete path or paths of the energy flow. Jin Shin Jyutsu is an art as opposed to a technique because a technique is a mechanical application, whereas an art is a skillful creation. ©


TuiNa is a hands-on body treatment that brings the eight principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) into balance. The practitioner may brush, knead, roll/press, and rub the areas between each of the joints, known as the eight gates, to attempt to open the body’s defensive chi and get the energy moving in the meridians and the muscles. The practitioner can then use range of motion, traction, and massage, with the stimulation of acupressure points. © Wikipedia

These methods are helping us to harmonize body, mind and soul in order to keep in balance. Thereby our self-healing processes are stimulated.

Pictures from the house ©